Friday, March 16, 2012

The Cross.

My Anslee has always had great timing.
By that I mean, she decided to make her entrance
into this world almost 4 weeks early
at a whopping 4 pounds.

Today, in the car, she insisted we listen to
Christmas music.
Ironically enough, we were on our way
to get our first sno cone of the season.

My Mom bought her a pair of sketchers
light up shoes for Christmas.
She outgrew them before we saw the month
of February.

However, this Easter season,
My sweet Anslee has started asking a lot
of questions about The Cross.

Her timing could not be more perfect.
Tyler and I both wanted this years Easter
season to be a bit more meaningful
in terms of the beautiful
Easter story being brought to true light for her.

We both agreed that her understanding is at a level
that could at some degree understand 
more than the Easter bunny and hunting eggs 
this year.

Almost everyday for the past week, Anslee has been 
asking both Tyler and I
"What does the Cross do?"

"What does the Cross do?"
Are you kidding me? Talk about stopping a mommy
in her tracks. What an important question.
How it requires such a delicate answer.

In all honesty, the first time she asked this,
I acted like I did not hear her!
I was so intimidated! 
I didn't want to mess up the answer.

I knew she was not going to stop asking though.
I wanted to revisit this, and I knew her inquisitive mind
would be mulling over the Cross again soon.

Tonight, I purposefully pulled out our Easter books
for bedtime. Clearly, The Cross being 
the focal point of the story, the question
came in the same form again.

"Mama, what does The Cross do?"

Still, unprepared to answer, this is what I said
to my precious, beautiful, future Child of God.

"It saves us, baby."

It satisfied her 3 year old mind. 
Tears rolling down my face, as my heart deeply
yearns for her to know her God.
To know the power of The Cross.

She looked back up to me and recited her Sunday Schools monthly Bible verse:
"Love God all your heart!"

There is so much more to say to her regarding The Cross. 
I am praying wholeheartedly that the Lord give her Mom
and her Dad the right words to say
and that her ears be ready to hear and her heart
be ready to understand.

This Easter season excites me. I am looking forward to celebrating
the greatest gift we have been given with my family and 
praying that my girl will 
challenge me yet again with more questions
that are so important, and a nerve wrecking to answer!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Bless Your Child.

When I grow up I want to be a Mom, but a Mom who is just like my dear friend Brandy Beaumont.
It was no surprise to me when I walked into her home several weeks ago and saw this front and center in her living area.

What an encouragement to have and read on the rough days. What a great reminder of the gift our kids are on the good days.

Thank you Brandy for encouraging me in my motherhood journey, by simply letting me walk into your home!

I hope this will motivate all my mom friends to be intentional each day with your sweet blessings!

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