Its Babywise Friendly Blogger Network week, and I am hosting Katrina from Mama's Organized Chaos on my blog today! She is talking all things potty training ON THE GO today. Read below for some great tips on getting out and about while trying to help your toddler master potty training!

The time has come, the time is near! We'll be potty training for good with no more diapers before I know it! I just bought what I'm hoping is our last box of diapers (other than for overnights - obviously that might take a bit longer).
I realized just now that I am down to carrying a tiny, normal purse and that isn't going to work once we are going out and about in just underwear! I no longer bring a diaper bag in the car or into stores. I just haven't needed it. I do, however, have extra items in my car for the just in case moments.
I haven't quite decided if we are going to use pull ups, training pants, or just plain old underwear and cross our fingers! LOL I will say, I am not looking forward to her having an accident in the middle of a store or restaurant! All I can do is be prepared, however.
So, in an effort to be prepared, here's what I'm planning to have on hand:
- Change of clothes (in addition to the spare we have in the car)
- Cloth diapers (prefolds) to clean up any messes that are made
- Wet bag for any soiled clothes (these were great for cloth diapering, and also work great for wet clothes from the beach or pool)
- Car seat liners (2 so we have a backup)
- Probably going to wear training pants for the first couple of weeks (these Gerber ones seem really nice)
We will not be bringing a portable potty with us, although if you are using one at home I'd recommend one on the go as well. Caroline has always used toilets and is now getting comfortable using public restrooms. It is often scary for her, but she's overcoming the fear. She's used them successfully for pooping and peeing several times now. So, I'm hoping to push forward with this and not take a step backwards to using a portable potty.
Hoping this transition goes well for us. I will be on the lookout for restroom locations in all stores, and ready to run! haha I'll update everyone once we are to this point. As of now the plan is to start potty training full force in the next couple of weeks. Once we start we are going all in with no diapers during the day!
My Daughter Refused to Poop in her Diaper (7 months old)
Caroline's First Trip
Potty Training Continued (11 months old)
Potty Training (the plan)
Potty Training Update (17 months old)
The Potty Train is Still Going (18 months old)
This post is brought to you by Katrina Villegas at MamasOrganizedChaos. She has 1 daughter that is 1.5 years old!
All of our potty training posts:
Start as you Mean to go on (5 months old)My Daughter Refused to Poop in her Diaper (7 months old)
Caroline's First Trip
Potty Training Continued (11 months old)
Potty Training (the plan)
Potty Training Update (17 months old)
The Potty Train is Still Going (18 months old)
This post is brought to you by Katrina Villegas at MamasOrganizedChaos. She has 1 daughter that is 1.5 years old!

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