Tuesday, June 29, 2010


I never did a Father's Day Post, because I was waiting on this article about Tyler and his dad to be published so that I could include it as a part of the post.

I thought this article, published in the Texas State Troopers Association monthly newsletter, would sum up what Tyler is all about and where he learned how to be the man he is today!

We are so proud of you Tyler! Anslee and I just may be the 2 luckiest girls in the whole world because we have you!

Scroll down to page 11 after clicking this link to view the article!

Tyler and the DPS

Thursday, June 24, 2010

What I have been reading!

Most of you know that ever since I got pregnant with Anslee, I have buried myself in books, blogs, and internet articles that offer child rearing advice. (We all know that I need every bit of expert opinion or thought on anything that has to do with parenting!) So, I thought it was only appropriate that I blog about the great reads that I have found!

I am always reading...(Or always referencing)

I am preparing now, and reading:

Another one always good for referecning is:

In more recent news, it looks like I will be needing to RE-Read the following:


Clearly its a good thing we saved a ton of money on the following:

And I just HAD to buy Anslee this new shirt....

Because this little blessing will be joining us as the newest Moses in January!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

2 word phrases!

Anslee has started putting words together this past month! Its a little step closer to more clear communication with her, so that makes me this mama so excited :) I remember thinking that when kiddos started putting words together they were officially big kids!

She says:

Thank you - and so clearly too! this is my favorite phrase to hear come out of her mouth!

All Done - She will sign and say this one at the same time. We can communicate!

Oh No - This has almost replaced "uh oh".

I know - Not sure if she knows what this means, but she says it after we do.

I have also started counting to 3 when I want her to come to me. My friend Cindy does this and her little one cooperates, so I thought I would try. We are doing pretty good! By 2, she starts walking toward me!

I have also started requiring "please" or at least the sign for please before giving her what she wants. I would say she certainly understands and does it without thinking, but other times it can be what causes a fit. A work in progress is what we will always be anyway...

I have also realized just HOW MUCH she understands, even if she can't verbalize that she does. She knows what "stay in here", "do not touch", "bring me your shoes", "lets go", and "come on" mean and will follow the instruction pretty consistently. s

Now that I know she understands more, I can expect that she is able to follow directions and therefore a whole new world of fun can be had :)

She wears pig tails and ponytails now. She is a big girl.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Its a Give Away!

I know all you mommies are like me and go crazy over baby boutique style clothes for your little one. No other type of clothing catches the eye like these types of fufu fun outfits on that already precious baby of yours!

Well the the BabyWiseMom is doing a giving away again from This precious online boutique.

I want to win that $30.00 gift card so I can add some more adorable clothes to Anslee's closet! Who wouldn't?

Plus, I just think everyone should check out this site :) Its just to cute to not spend some time browsing on!