Thursday, June 24, 2010

What I have been reading!

Most of you know that ever since I got pregnant with Anslee, I have buried myself in books, blogs, and internet articles that offer child rearing advice. (We all know that I need every bit of expert opinion or thought on anything that has to do with parenting!) So, I thought it was only appropriate that I blog about the great reads that I have found!

I am always reading...(Or always referencing)

I am preparing now, and reading:

Another one always good for referecning is:

In more recent news, it looks like I will be needing to RE-Read the following:


Clearly its a good thing we saved a ton of money on the following:

And I just HAD to buy Anslee this new shirt....

Because this little blessing will be joining us as the newest Moses in January!


Kristie said...

Congratulations! I'm sure your head is spinning right now! That is a lot to think about. Hope you are feeling great & enjoy this time with your girl!

The Skains Family said...

So funny we will be having one right together. Good luck to you as you make the transition!

Amber Ruth said...

aww yah!!! congratulations shae!! Anslee is going to be a great big sister!