These precious pics were snapped last fall at the pumpkin patch. Her first one.
Look at her now! Her 2nd Fall and visit to the pumpkin patch!
On a side note, this little pumpkin is 21 months old today! I just can't believe it. I know the monthly letter blogs have stopped since she turned one, but I thought I would give a little update on her 21 month old activity!
This sweet little girl knows all her animals and can mimic them when asked, and it is just too cute to hear her roar like a lion and cock-a-doodle-doo like a rooster! She is catching on fast to shapes (She knows circle, star, triangle, and square) and colors and just loves to put puzzles together. She can count to 3, but most of the time, every number is 2. Anslee knows A,B, and C and loves going over all the letters at bath time. The girl attempts to repeat any word we say, so we have to be super careful around here of what comes out of our mouths! Sorting/organizing are at the top of her play priority list every single day, and if she was allowed, she would be very happy dressing herself each morning. Her love for food is really more like a, "I will do it to survive" activity than something she enjoys. (I know, if I did not carry her myself I would not be able to claim her as mine). She has moved from the high chair to the booster chair full time now. Apparently the high chair is beneath her, and you would agree if you saw her reaction to it in the last month. She has no idea she is getting a little sister, but can say Kensington surprisingly well. Anslee is putting together two word sentences all the time now, and communicating with her is becoming easier as the days go by!
As far as the potty goes: We get closer and closer to being ready each day. We still are not: 1) waking up in the morning or from naps dry consistently. 2)Able to pull down her own bottoms or 3) Telling mommy or daddy until AFTER the damage has been done. So, with those 3 things still left to tackle, I am still comfortable waiting a little longer to begin. She does know what the potty is and what it is intended to be used for, so I know progress is being made and I know we will get there in due time!
I can't believe that the monthly letter blogs will begin up again when Kensignton turns 1 month old....and that is just 4 months away from now!
Oh, and would you believe we have lived in our home for a full year now? We closed October 1, 2009. Here is us when we moved in!
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