What a fun month we have had together! Over the last few months we have been able to see your little (or very big, should I say) personality develop! You have a mind of your own, and really know what you want. This month we have really been able to see your showing preference for certain people, toys and objects, and food. Its so wonderful for see you having strong opinions at such a young age! You are still so busy, spending less time crawling...only to get to a sturdy enough object to pull up on. You "step" yourself as best as you can around whatever you have found to hold you up. Each day I see you making yourself a more independent baby, and each step you take and milestone you reach the more of a little girl you become. You have changed so much already, and I am reminded of that each time I look at your sweet face. 5 teeth (and 2 more coming) take up a lot of space in your beautiful smile. You hair has really grown too, and your physical features are really starting to become defined. Every time I look at you, I feel like I can see something new...and I am reminded of how fast you are growing.
Its important that you are able to adjust to being in different atmospheres and around other people who love you, but I can't say that I love how you have started reaching out for me when I come back around. When I come back after being away from you (which really is never that often) all I want to do is hold on to you too! We have to remember that there are so many people that love you and want to love on you too!
Your cuddling days are over. You have too many other new things to discover to stay still in anyone's arms for any length of time here lately. This is ok with me, because my favorite part of the day is at your bedtime when I sneak some extra time snuggling you before bed every night. This is a part of each day that I would never give up or try to never miss. When you fall asleep after you have had a nice fully belly, you will stay asleep right in my arms. I know that I should put you right down in bed, but I take advantage of your sleepy state and how you will just lay so very still right where you are. I use that time to pray over you and thank God for the blessing that you are. My reason for waking up each morning is to spend those last few minutes of each day with you.
You are growing up so beautifully, 8 months strong and so many more to go!
I love you,
23 Winter Bucket List Ideas for Families
15 hours ago