She can eat blow pops all by herself
She talks to me in full sentences. Would you believe I have actual conversations with this sweet girl? I would not have believed you if you told me what all she would be doing 27 months ago.
I have said it before, and I will say it again. She is my best friend. I adore her with all that is in me.
When she counted to 10 my heart swelled to the size of the moon.
When she said her prayers all on her own, I wept enough tears of pure happiness to fill an ocean.
Nothing makes my heart melt like butter more than when she walks up to me and says, "I lobe you mama"
I lobe her too. Have I said that before?
I see the budding friendship between her and the little sister girl. Anslee can't get enough of her baby K.
The other day Anslee made Kensington smile the biggest smile she has ever flashed and my mind went straight to the future for them. I hope they will include their way nerdy mama in all secrets and circle of fun.
Tyler said there is nothing better he has ever done in life than have those two. I love that we agree on most things, but especially this. Life is easy this way.
Have I announced that Anslee is doing so good learning her colors?
In order to celebrate her new found knowledge and whole new world colors, we pulled out the paint!
She had to ask me to open each color if she wanted to paint, so I asked her to tell me what color she wanted to paint with. It was neat to have her practice her colors while she had a blast painting the most gorgeous sleeping beauty that I ever saw.
Sleeping beauty is now adorning our little garden (between the carrots and squash) in the backyard. Anslee checks up on her every single afternoon.
Keeping on track with learning new things, our Kensington is growing up so wonderfully fast. She has started loving toys and reaching up for them. Her most favorite time of day in on the play mat gym. Sweet girl thinks she is pretty cute, too, always looking at herself on the mirror that hangs off the side of the gym.
I tell her its ok, if my hair stuck straight up like hers does, I would be looking in a mirror every chance I got too. My beautiful angel girl.
I woke up this morning and realized I did not go give the pacifier to her once last night. I told her what a big girl that made her. So proud. Still sleeping great most nights,(I know it took our girl quite a while) her mama and daddy could not be any more thrilled!
We have more fun around here than you would know. Even on the hard days. Don't let anyone tell you there is not a light to the end of a long tunnel. There is, Praise the Lord!