Thursday, April 19, 2012

15 Months!

Its April 19 and I can't believe that makes my Kensington
15 months old.
Not sure why 15 months seems like a big deal to me.
Maybe its because they are in full blown toddler mode.
Maybe its because of all the "big kid' things they are doing.

Tyler and I both agree on how fun of a stage this is.
You know, the stage RIGHT before
the big fit throwing stage starts. Everything is fun or funny to her.
She is soaking up everything under the sun.

AT 15 months Kensington is:
Walking. Finally, and its her preferred method of mobility.
She is waving hi and bye bye.
Hi, bye bye, mama, daddy, night night, all done, and cracker.
She knows where her hair, belly, nose, ears and eyes are. 
She loves board books, stuffed animals, following her sister around,
being outside (especially swinging), being in a forward facing carseat,
and eating.
April has been her busiest month by far, 
because up until this month she was not doing much of the listed above at all!

Oh my. What fun we are having with the middle sister.
Big Sister thinks the world of her, too. 

Here are some pics from this past month!


The Skains Family said...

They are too cute!! I love that you dress them the same too. My girls always want to wear the same thing now so I'm taking advantage of the little time I have left with it!

Amber Ruth said...

well it is certainly obvious why you keep getting girls...they are just too adorable! like...omg they are sooo cute!

Lee Family said...

I love how you dress the girls a will be so cute to see another one added to the mix!