Thursday, November 3, 2011

Days of Thanks 3

Today I am especially thankful for the parenting books
in my life. Goodness me, where would I be without
these little self help miracle books?
I think it is kind of funny, really, that I am really thankful for these books.
I have never really ever been much of a reader. 
There was the occasional novel that I would read, but besides that,
I did not read often. Yes. It is something 
I wish I did more, but when Anslee was 6 weeks old
I got hooked. I was amazed at how parenting made more sense after reading them.
I was so happy to take bits and pieces from each book
to aide me in planning out our days, and just knowing what life with 
a baby looked like.
I am also thankful that Tyler and I have the freedom to parent how
we see fit for our family. 
I am thankful that with the help of these books and our own parenting 
instincts We can feel confident in our decision making regarding 
the most precious baby girls that ever graced planet earth.

Here are just a few of my favorites!

Most of these books have toddler editions that I love equally!
Needless to say, one way I deal with frustrations or anxiousness
is by gathering information. I guess it eases my mind to know what
the experts say.
I feel like even though I love these books, I need to say that I take what works for us
from each book and what I agree with and make it my own.
It would be absurd to follow every "book" down to its last word
when kiddos are as individual as a fingerprint.
I am thankful for the help they have brought me though!

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